Welcome to EKA INDIA

We are Eka, the one, for Better Education, Enhanced Knowledge and In-depth Awareness.
Being from the quintessential Indian society with our children growing up struggling to fight and find a place in the current education system, we always sympathise them. Though our education system is highly competitive, our kids do not always find their place comfortably in the system. We believe every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. We believe that every child has a quality which is unique but is seldom enhanced. What if that quality is strengthened and given a direction towards a more sustainable way of life?
………… Our quest is this!

who we are

We are a team of people working to end discrimination and create a free and just society.

what we do

We engage with the public to promote active citizenship, and with the private sector to encourage responsible business.

how we do it

By directly benefitting children and their families every year, through live welfare projects on education, healthcare & livelihood.

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